Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What's your sales enviroment like for 2013?



For Sales Managers

Providing an environment of motivation for your sales team is essential. The environment is up to you. Motivation is a way to provide a winning environment. However, if you want to motivate your sales team there are certain non-negotiables you need to practice every week.

The  4 Laws of Motivation from a Sales Manager to a Sales Professional:

1. Ask for Performance.
You and your team deserve it. Describe how the job and sales performance measurements are is being done now and how you want it to be. Then ask the sales professional to do it that way. Make sure you lay out the expectations. This is the time not to be uncertain. Document these and Hold them accountable to the performance numbers. Then (and only then) use…..

2. Positive Reinforcement.

 (And then personalize it). Don’t take acceptable work for granted! Thank your sales professionals for the work they do. Praise them every time they improve. BUT, while everyone likes to be recognized, what motivates one may leave another cold----or irritated. Find out what works with each of your people. Ride those key motivational traits all the way to the bank. Use this positive sales management reinforcement by……

3. Building Great Relationships. This doesn’t mean you are ‘hanging with the dude’ at the local night club. But treat your people like real, human beings. That’s what they are and they will respond when your actions show that you respect their individuality and trust their intentions.

4. Refuse to Accept Poor Performers. Tell your people when performance is unacceptable. Sometimes this is a reprimand. Other times you can handle it through coaching either way you are demonstrating that standards matter—and that, in itself, is motivational.

connect for more information tony@pakter.com

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