Monday, December 10, 2012

Hitting your goals!

Are you caught up in your comfort zones?

Fear is usually a natural emotional response to a perceived threat. It is an inherent survival mechanism that all living creatures use when they are confronted with danger. However, sometimes the fear in unwarranted and the effects on our lives can be devastating!

Fight or Flight

Fear is an emotional state that triggers the "fight or flight" response which is a state of hyper-arousal designed to protect us from danger. In this state we have two options - to fight or to run.

In each case the body requires extra adrenaline to complete the task effectively; if we wish to fight we need more energy in our muscles and heightened awareness and likewise we need more muscle energy to run fats and escape the danger.

Fear can range from slight discomfort and a desire for caution to extreme phobias and terror where your body produces so much adrenaline that you become "frozen" to the spot!

The Effects of Fear

In the time of our ancient ancestors this was a very advantageous natural reaction. If we were confronted by a predator then we needed to either defend ourselves or run to safety.

However, although we rarely require such an extreme response from our body due to 21st Century living "fight or flight" is still an active part of our natural responses.

When we become stressed at work, for example, the brain will often activate this response and cause excess adrenaline to enter the bloodstream. As we cannot fight or run in such a situation this adrenaline is not properly used and it puts major stress on the body.

This phenomenon is even more intense when it comes to phobias and unwarranted irrational fears.

Fear is an emotional response to perceived future events. Although it may be triggered by a current situation fear is always a direct result of your projection of what might happen.

Research shows that 80-90 percent of what you fear will happen never comes to pass!

Fear of Failure or Success

There are two other types of fear that can debilitate you and stop you in your tracks; the fear of success and the fear of failure.

The Fear of Success

Often times we stop ourselves from moving forward in life because we are fearful of what might happen if we succeed. Likewise, the fear of experiencing the failure of defeat will often stop us from even trying in the first place.

Many people harbor an unconscious fear success because striving for success would their limits and launch them into new or unknown situations. Success can also expose a person's weaknesses and force them to confront their flaws.

Success is also scary to a lot of people because it involves change with new challenges and responsibilities which can be a threatening proposal for some.

Other people fear success because they are unsure if they can live up to the hype of their achievements; they feel that they are just not good enough. For many of us avoiding success feels like a safer option, at a subconscious level, and we therefore exhibit many self-sabotaging behaviors.

The Fear of Failure

The fear of failure, known as Atychiphobia, is equally debilitating as the fear of success. It causes us to procrastinate and stops us from taking action. Being fearful of failing can usually be traced back to early childhood causes where a person was demeaned or belittled by peers, parents or authority figure.

This fear can also be linked to traumatic events in a person's past where embarrassment was caused due to a minor or insignificant failure that has, however, been given a great deal of importance.

If you wish to progress within your goals, whether they be work orientated of personal, you need a strategy/impetus to address your comfort zones.

For more information on how to - connect with

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