Wednesday, October 3, 2012

13 Excellent TIPS to make tomorrow better than today!



13 excellent tips to make tomorrow better than today!


1. Apply What You Learn

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

How many people do you know that read a lot of books and spend a lot of time buying courses, but never apply the knowledge they learn?

You may even notice these tendencies in your life? Its hard to take action and apply what you learn, because were all afraid of failure, and taking action can be paralyzing from time to time.

However, success in life or business doesnt happen until you use the knowledge that you have inside of you. Most of us have exactly what we need to get to our goals, but we make excuses not to even get started.

2. Learn, Discard, Create

Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own.

Its all well and good to learn from others, but its not until you take action that you discover what works and doesnt.

When you discover what doesnt work, you simply discard it and keep going. When you keep moving forward, you will create your own path.

Living a successful life is all about experimenting and trying new things. The more things you try, the closer you will get to true success. To truly succeed you must be willing to fail!


3. Simplicity

Simplicity is the key to brilliance. Vince Lombardi said it best –“To win/succeed in sport and life is to be brilliant at the basics

If you can simplify your life, your goals, and your tasks, you will not only be happier, you will also get more done and be more successful! Plus you will end up concentrating on the stuff that gets the results.

If youre trying to go after multiple things at once, you will end up accomplishing none of them. Pick one thing thats the most important to you and go after that.

The funny thing about focusing on one goal is that it seems that youre neglecting all the others aspects of your life, but when you focus on one goal, magically the other aspects of your life improves, sometimes dramatically.


4. Break Barriers

We all have negative beliefs that stop us from being as successful in life as we would like.

The only person holding you back is you. Once you become comfortable with overcoming your Fears -you will start seeing dramatic success in your life.

One of the most common characteristics of successful people is that they are willing to try new things and face their fears. They are not fearless; they are merely willing to do what it takes.


5. Be Open-Minded

Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.

Theres no right or wrong in the universe. Its completely subjective.

Getting caught up in the drama of who is right or wrong or who is better than will only distract you from reaching your goals and creating a successful life.

Stay open to new possibilities, and the viewpoints of others. You can never know what you will learn when you explore things you at first thought were pure nonsense.

6. Contribute

Real living is living for others.

We all have our unique gifts that we can use to make the world a better place. These are usually talents and skills you have that you are very good at, and that you like to do.

It doesnt matter if you like to make jewelry or if you enjoy cooking, because everything is connected to everything else.

You are here to make a difference with the talents you have. Theres a reason why you are you.



7. Manage Your Time

If you love life, dont waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

We are surrounded by distractions, such as e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook. They are great at connecting us to each other, but they distract us from what is truly important.

Learn to manage your time, and get the most valuable tasks done before you start to play.

You can often double, triple, or even quadruple your productivity by using just a few simple time management tools!


8. Be Flexible

Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.


Life will throw curve balls at you, so you have to get used to being flexible. The more comfortable you can be with being uncomfortable, the faster you will grow as a human being and the more success you will have in life.

This is exactly what distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful ones. Successful people are more willing to be uncomfortable, because they know that that is the fastest path to their goals.

Whenever you bump into something that makes you feel bad, stay flexible, and find the positive in the situation. Ive found that most of the problems in my life are blessings in disguise.

The only thing separating positivity from negativity is time.

9. Set Goals

A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.

If you want to advance you first have to know what you want. For the longest time I avoided setting goals, because I thought it was unnecessary.

It wasnt until recently that I discovered that goal setting can not only make me more productive, it can also dramatically increase the clarity I have.


Ask me about SMART goals?

10. Control Your Thoughts

As you think, so shall you become?

What you think about comes to you - If youre constantly being negative, you will draw more negativity into your life.

Instead of focusing on the negative, think about what you want to get out of life and focus on the positive.


This is another way of telling you that you have to set goals and focus on those goals as often as possible. The results you will get by doing this will be dramatic.

Most people sit around whining about their miserable life, and then they wonder why nothing good ever happens to them.

11. Take Action

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, youll never get it done.

Dont over analyze and over think. Take massive determined Action!


Most people that try to get things perfect never get started at all.

12. Allow

Im not in this world to live up to your expectations and youre not in this world to live up to mine.

Its easy to get stuck on what other people would think of you if you became successful. Most people are so afraid of this that they never rise above mediocrity.


It is not up to you to make people happy. You can only make yourself happy, and the way others react is just the way they will react.

Dont let other people dictate how you live your life. Determine what you want, go after it, and dont look back.

13. Create Your Own Destiny

To hell with circumstances; create opportunities.


 No Excuses -nothing happens until you stop blaming your circumstances or people in your life, and take control of your life.


It is up to you to take responsibility for your life and create your own opportunities. You may not be able to do exactly what you want right now, but you have the opportunity to take steps toward it.

No one will create the dream life for you. You have to do it yourself.

14. Be You

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.


When you try to be someone youre not, you will only attract people into your life that are not in harmony with you.

When you are you, and that includes the weird things about you, you will find that the most amazing and interesting people start popping up in your life.

Sometimes this may take years, and sometimes it can happen in just a few days. Let whatever happens be okay and go with the flow.

Anthony Christodoulou
Helping you and your teams through the challenges of busines/life

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