Thursday, February 17, 2011

What’s Success?

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

Success is actually the satisfaction of mind, a satisfaction that you feel and experience following a great accomplishment. When you see that all your effort and hard work produce returns you will be stimulated to continue to achieve and do more. The end of Satisfaction is ACTION. Only by achieving do we become truly satisfied!

Success should stimulate emotion when achieved, and emotion generates motivation- a cycle that is imperative in achieving success - However, success is a very individual perception, and means different things to each one of us. What is deemed as success to one person may seem mundane or ordinary to another. What is a minor achievement for you may prove to be a major success to somebody else. So do not get caught up in keeping up with Jones’s.
AS long as you are progressing – going forward working towards a predetermine plan or goal. Then my friend you are a success.

In order to achieve success, you must have self confidence. Yes, you need to believe in yourself, believe in what you can do! But most importantly believe in what you can become.
When you think about success, you may consider the comparative achievements judging things from your own perspective. You will never be able to affect the success of others, but you can of course affect your own success by your own viewpoint. Success is something that can be achieved by anybody and everybody irrespective of their age, as the only factor needed is will power and the ability to ACT.

"That’s why it’s crucial that you work on your goals not anyone else’s."

Personal Development is a commitment to improving oneself over time by reading good books, listening to educational audios, attending workshops and classes to improve ones skills, disassociating with those who have your problems and associating with those who have your solutions, in order to improve the quality of your life and the quality of lives of those around you.

Be successful my friends

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