Thursday, January 27, 2011

        Why do you need Personal Development?

In the West, the idea of personal development can be traced to the ancient Greeks. Aristotle maintained in his Nicomachean Ethics that the pursuit of virtues was required to produce flourishing or living well (eudemonia). In modern psychology, Aristotle’s concepts have been built upon by humanistic psychologists and, currently, by the movement called “positive psychology,” which emphasizes the positive character traits, behaviors and emotions that are beneficial both to individuals and to society.

Personal development can refer both to the self-development or self-improvement of an individual or to the development of others (in school or the workplace, for example).Tony Christodoulou One on One or Group sessions focuses on an individual’s self-improvement.” for if an individual feels good about themselves – it will manifest into all aspects of their life”
Key applications of personal development include a person’s desire for and path to:
  • Educational attainment;
  • Development of talents or strengths;
  • Improvement of self-awareness and self-knowledge;
  • Enhancing one’s quality of life;
  • Improving job prospects or career;
  • Improving relationships; and
  • Improving health.
Personal development occurs via the setting of personal goals, the development of strategies and action plans to attain those goals, and the implementation of those strategies and action plans.

Interested in learning more? For YOU or your children or employees?
Email for more information.

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