Thursday, February 17, 2011

Turning a goal into a reality

                                                                                                          Turning a goal into a reality

A goal is so much easier to reach when you have a plan, a calculated penciled out plan of attack Whether your goal is related to being a better employee, getting a raise or promotion, or is just  something you want to have to do this plan will help you succeed.

Start with a fresh document or a blank piece of paper. Label it Personal Development Plan; Put your name on it. Add pictures that associate with the goal.

Create a table like the one shown below, with as many columns as you have goals, and eight rows. You'll want to make the boxes large enough to write a paragraph or two in.
Write your goals in the top boxes.In the first column of each row, write in the following:

Benefits – By having this goal what how will it benefit you?
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities to be Developed - Exactly what is it you want to develop?
Developmental Activities - What are you going to do to make your goal a reality?
Resources/Support Needed - What will you need by way of resources? If yours are complicated, you might add another row to detail how or where you'll get these resources.
Potential Obstacles - What could get in your way? How will you take care of it?
Date of Completion - Every goal needs a deadline or it could get put off indefinitely. Choose a completion date.
Measurement of Success - How will you know you've succeeded?

    Personal Development Plan

    Development Goals                                                                   Goal 1               Goal 2               Goal 3
    Knowledge, Skills, Abilities to be Developed  
    Developmental Activities 
    Resources/Support Needed 
    Potential Obstacles 
    Date for Completion 
    Measurement of Success

“Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle”.

Good luck

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