Sunday, February 20, 2011

“Walk away from the 90%!!!”


“We all have TWO choices. We can just get by or we can SOAR.”

When all is said and done. it's really just up to you......

“When you know what you WANT, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to GET it.”

"To have more than you've got, you MUST become more than you are."

“If you wish to find, you must SEARCH. Nothing intentionally lands on your lap.”

“There are TWO ways to face the future. One way is with apprehension; the other is with anticipation.”

“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. If you go to work on your life your life will WORK for you.”

“I used to say, "I really hope things will change." Then I learned that the nothing changes unless you change it –Furthermore you can’t change it until you change YOU.”

“We generally change ourselves for one of TWO reasons: inspiration or desperation, FIND something that inspires you.”

“You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? How do they make me feel?  Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself this ONE question: is it acceptable? – if NOT move on…”

“We must risk going too FAR to discover just how far we can go.”

“You cannot speak that which you do not KNOW. You cannot share that which you not FEEL. You cannot translate that which you do not HAVE. And you cannot give that which you do not POSSESS. Believe and own your goal and everyone else will also believe and OWN it too.”

“The walls we BUILD around us to keep out the sadness also KEEP out the joy.”


                                                          “Learn to HIDE your need and SHOW your skill.”

“The greatest definition for concentration I ever heard is: Wherever you are, BE there!"

Sometimes you just have to play the hand you are dealt .... and go forward a little each day... by the end of a week a month a year .... you will be amazed at how far you have progressed...

All the best
Tony Christodoulou

"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Do we really need to be motivated?

Everybody at sometime or other desires/requires the ability to motivate themselves. But do you know what motivation is exactly? The dictionary defines motivation this way:

"Motivation: The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action towards a desired goal,
 the reason for that action

Substitute "organism" with "you" and you begin to get it. An implication of the definition is that we need to have a reason behind our actions to achieve our goals. Hence the goal needs to be real to you; a dream, a quest, a need to achieve… Even if the goal is broken down and you’re working on a piece that is mundane or monotonous. It doesn’t matter as you know it’s a stepping stone to your ultimate prize.Infact these are the components that require the most motivation these stages of the goal and the dreaded beginning.

Ultimately achieving what you want in life means getting motivated. Inspiration along with perspiration is key ingredients in making you a success.

People at the top of every profession share one quality — they get things done. This ability supersedes intelligence, talent, and connections in determining your financial security and the speed of your advancement.

Despite the simplicity of this concept there is a perpetual shortage of people who excel at getting results. The action habit — the habit of putting ideas into action now — is essential to getting things done and ultimately becoming independent.

It takes courage to take action without instructions from the person in charge. Perhaps that’s why initiative is a rare quality that’s coveted by managers and executives everywhere. Seize the initiative. When you have a good idea, start implementing it without being told. Once people see you’re serious about getting things done they’ll want to join in. The people at the top don’t have anyone telling them what to do. If you want to join them, you should get used to acting independently.

Motivation is, as the word itself suggests, a motive for action. Motivation is, basically, the reasons for what you do. Knowing what to do and how to do it is an important part of leadership, as an executive recruiter I am constantly asked what makes a good leader. The ability to “motivate and be motivated” is definitely one of the top 10 attributes.


You can do the wrong things for the right reasons and the right things for the wrong reasons, but leaders do the right things for the right reasons.

12 ways to stay motivated:

    1) Become a dream chaser

Don’t let incessant activity push out dream time. While there are those who only dream and never do—the daydreamers—there are also those leaders who are so pre-occupied with day-to-day tasks that they lose the fuel of dreaming. They don’t aspire high enough, either for themselves or their organizations. What would you really like to see happen in your life and the lives of those around you? True passion and purpose is the foundation for motivation.

     2) Personal mission statement

When you’re Value’s “Personal Mission Statement” are clear, decision making is easy. I can’t think of anything as important to the success of a leader as truly knowing what is important to you, what drives you this defines your character and gives credibility to your convictions.

    3) Be Creative

One of the biggest misconceptions about creative work is that it can only be done when inspiration strikes. If you wait for inspiration to slap you in the face, your work sessions will be few and far between. Instead of waiting, proactively start your creative motor. If you need to write something, force yourself to sit down and write. Put pen to paper. Brainstorm. Doodle. Get on the computer and start searching. Allow you creative juices to flow. This is where the ideas come from this is where your individualism is forged.

    4) Become action orientated

Ideas are important, but they’re only valuable after they’ve been implemented. One average idea that’s been put into action is more valuable than a dozen brilliant ideas that you’re saving for “some other day” or the “right opportunity”. If you have an idea the you really believe in, do something about it. Unless you take action it will never go anywhere. Or like Tony Robbins says; “Take massive determine action”

    5) Act Today

Practice doing things rather than thinking about them. Do you want to start exercising? Do you have a great idea to pitch your boss? Do it today. The longer an idea sits in your head without being acted on, the weaker it becomes. After a few days the details gets hazy. After a week it’s forgotten completely. By becoming a doer you’ll get more done and stimulate new ideas in the process.Infact a golden rule is to “do one thing every day that frightens – or challenges you”.

         6) Act Today reminder

If you’re waiting to start until conditions are perfect, you probably never will. There will always be something that isn’t quite right. The timing is off, the market is down, or there’s too much competition. In the real world there is no perfect time to start. You have to take action and deal with problems as they arise. The best time to start was last year. The second best time is right now. Prioritize and compartmentalize in accordance with your 80-20 breakdowns.

 7) Concentrate on the 20% - reminder ‘3’

Vince Lombardi said that in order to be good at anything you need to be brilliant at the basics. With this in mind look at what you do on a day-to day basis. The 80 – 20 rules tells us that only 20% of what we do is crucial –pertinent- and effective, the 80% is neither here nor there , we can pretend it is in fact we constantly do. To reiterate -We spend 80% of our time working on the 80% and 20% of our time working on the 20%. The new rule should be; spend 80% of your time working on the 20%. It’s common practice for people to socialize and make small talk at the beginning of meetings and the beginning of any task. The same is true for other work activities, how often do you check email or RSS feeds before doing any real work? These distractions will cost you serious time if you don’t bypass them and get down to business immediately. By becoming someone who gets to the point you’ll be more productive and people will look to you as a leader. Good note: “Get from the day not through the day”

8) Find a Mentor

Learn from leaders you admire. Don’t just read about them—observe them first hand. Find role models worthy of your attention, those who lead in the manner you aspire to lead and those who have impacted others as you desire to influence.

9) Live for now

Focus on what you can do in the present moment. Don’t worry about what you should have done last week or what you might be able to do tomorrow. The only time you can affect is the present. If you speculate too much about the past or the future you won’t get anything done. Tomorrow or next week frequently turns into never

10) Use action to cure fear

“Look into the dark long and hard enough and you will see something ‘Have you ever noticed that the most difficult part of your goal requires you to address your comfort zones - pre-performance anxiety? Here is a fact ‘once you get started the fear disappears”. Action is the best cure for fear. The most difficult time to take action is the very first time. After the ball is rolling, you’ll build confidence and things will keep getting easier. Kill fear by taking action and build on that confidence.

    11) Address your comfort zone

The only way to grow your impact is by growing yourself. Growth is always accomplished outside of one’s comfort zone. If you only do what you’ve always done, you’ll never master new skills. Create an infusion of new ideas and chances to develop new skills.

12) Be a Mentor

You’ll know you are making an impact when someone approaches you and asks you to be their mentor. You could initiate the process, but similar to the saying, “When the student is ready the teacher will come” is the idea that when you are ready to mentor the mentee will show up.
One of the best ways to internalize what you know is to share it with others. Being able to build into the life of an aspiring leader is not only a way to help in the growth of another, but a revitalizing way to stay motivated.

" Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them- you will find that they havent half the strenght you think they have"

Stay motivated my friends
Tony Christodoulou

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What’s Success?

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

Success is actually the satisfaction of mind, a satisfaction that you feel and experience following a great accomplishment. When you see that all your effort and hard work produce returns you will be stimulated to continue to achieve and do more. The end of Satisfaction is ACTION. Only by achieving do we become truly satisfied!

Success should stimulate emotion when achieved, and emotion generates motivation- a cycle that is imperative in achieving success - However, success is a very individual perception, and means different things to each one of us. What is deemed as success to one person may seem mundane or ordinary to another. What is a minor achievement for you may prove to be a major success to somebody else. So do not get caught up in keeping up with Jones’s.
AS long as you are progressing – going forward working towards a predetermine plan or goal. Then my friend you are a success.

In order to achieve success, you must have self confidence. Yes, you need to believe in yourself, believe in what you can do! But most importantly believe in what you can become.
When you think about success, you may consider the comparative achievements judging things from your own perspective. You will never be able to affect the success of others, but you can of course affect your own success by your own viewpoint. Success is something that can be achieved by anybody and everybody irrespective of their age, as the only factor needed is will power and the ability to ACT.

"That’s why it’s crucial that you work on your goals not anyone else’s."

Personal Development is a commitment to improving oneself over time by reading good books, listening to educational audios, attending workshops and classes to improve ones skills, disassociating with those who have your problems and associating with those who have your solutions, in order to improve the quality of your life and the quality of lives of those around you.

Be successful my friends

Turning a goal into a reality

                                                                                                          Turning a goal into a reality

A goal is so much easier to reach when you have a plan, a calculated penciled out plan of attack Whether your goal is related to being a better employee, getting a raise or promotion, or is just  something you want to have to do this plan will help you succeed.

Start with a fresh document or a blank piece of paper. Label it Personal Development Plan; Put your name on it. Add pictures that associate with the goal.

Create a table like the one shown below, with as many columns as you have goals, and eight rows. You'll want to make the boxes large enough to write a paragraph or two in.
Write your goals in the top boxes.In the first column of each row, write in the following:

Benefits – By having this goal what how will it benefit you?
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities to be Developed - Exactly what is it you want to develop?
Developmental Activities - What are you going to do to make your goal a reality?
Resources/Support Needed - What will you need by way of resources? If yours are complicated, you might add another row to detail how or where you'll get these resources.
Potential Obstacles - What could get in your way? How will you take care of it?
Date of Completion - Every goal needs a deadline or it could get put off indefinitely. Choose a completion date.
Measurement of Success - How will you know you've succeeded?

    Personal Development Plan

    Development Goals                                                                   Goal 1               Goal 2               Goal 3
    Knowledge, Skills, Abilities to be Developed  
    Developmental Activities 
    Resources/Support Needed 
    Potential Obstacles 
    Date for Completion 
    Measurement of Success

“Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle”.

Good luck

Thursday, February 10, 2011

3 Quotes to save and share

I believe that most people admire someone who made something out of thеіr lives. And while we саn’t аѕk them to live ουr life for υѕ, (though that would be nice-sometimes!) we саn look to thеіr inspiration as a motivation for when we either hit a stumbling block- reach a plateau- or just can’t get going, in any of these instances if you are unfortunate not to have a mentor and are surrounded by naysayers. Inspiration / motivation can be found in the form of quotes (messages)These little gems can serve as a conditioning trigger or motivational adrenaline shot's.
We know thеіr words to be truthful, particularly if we admire the person and they are in a niche or have undergone a task that is relevant to our circumstance or predicament. For undoubtedly thеу hаνе bееn through the same struggles and have overcome adversity to hаνе reached their goals.

  3 Adrenaline shot quotes

Quote # 1: “Thеrе іѕ no passion to be found when playing small – in settling for a life that іѕ less than the one уου′re capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela

Thеrе are many of υѕ who are tοο afraid to step out of the box to really do something with ουr lives. And ѕο we end up becoming a shadow of who we really are.
But Nelson Mandela urges υѕ to live life the way it іѕ supposed to be lived! He inspires υѕ to chase after ουr dreams and ουr ambitions, no matter how far-fetched thеу mау seem to be.

Quote # 2: “People are born to succeed, not fail.” – Henry David Thoreau

Well, thеrе′s nothing like thіѕ motivational quote to boost уου up, eh? Henry David Thoreau іѕ ουr ultimate cheerleader. Even when we ourselves don’t quite believe in ουr capabilities, he іѕ there to remind υѕ of what we are capable and made of, and of the heights we are destined to reach. Human civilization hаѕ come a long way ѕіnсе the creation of fire. And we hаνе more to contribute to the world уеt.

Quote # 3: “No one саn possibly achieve any real and lasting success or ‘get rich’ in business by being a conformist.” – J.P. Getty

Those who are different are more likely to make a dіffеrеnсе than those who only want to blend in with the background. Wе′ve always bееn told that being different іѕ a bad thing. But J.P. Getty, ουr champion, іѕ telling υѕ that being different іѕ the only way to get noticed in thіѕ world. Those who are decidedly different come up with the mοѕt unique іdеаѕ and the mοѕt creative solutions.