Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Shoulda, coulda, and woulda won't get it done."

 People who say that life is not worthwhile

                 Are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile...


                                    Always have something ahead of you to "look forward to" –

                                                        To work for and to strive for

                          Goals: There is no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them

                                    There is no telling what you can do when you believe in them


                                       There is no telling what will happen when you act upon them


                                   "Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you."

                                      Good Luck          

                                                   Get yourself a goal worth working for
                                                    Better still, get yourself a project...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ignite4Change: Personal Development: Do you know what you want?

Ignite4Change: Personal Development: Do you know what you want?: " Everything you want should be yours: ..."

Do you know what you want?

                                                     Everything you want should be yours:

                                                               the type of work you want

                                                              the relationships you need

                                                  the social, mental, and aesthetic stimulation

that will make you happy and fulfilled

                                      the money you require for the lifestyle that is appropriate to you

                and any requirement that you may (or may not) have for achievement or service to others


                                                        If you don’t aim for it all, you’ll never get it all



                               To aim for it requires ONE thing and that is YOU should know what you want



                                                                            All the best TC

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well

                                               "When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.”


Monday, April 4, 2011

Ignite4Change: Personal Development: Success means different things to different people...

Ignite4Change: Personal Development: Success means different things to different people...: "Success means different things to different people by Tony Christodoulou For one person it may mean a fine career with benefits and..."

Success means different things to different people

Success means different things to different people

 by Tony Christodoulou

For one person it may mean a fine career with benefits and a pension plan.

To another, it may mean a loving family with the basic needs of life met.

To another it may mean reaching an educational milestone or attaining some sort of distinction in their chosen career path.

To another, it may mean building a successful corporation with millions, or even billions of dollars in assets and revenue.

Success, by way of Webster’s definition is “the act of achieving or accomplishing”, and “to reach a desired end”.

I think the definition of success runs much deeper than that though. What you equate with success and what I equate with success may be two completely different things.

I believe success is really found when a person is happy and fulfilled doing whatever it is that they are doing. Success is not measured by how much a person achieves or accomplishes in life, as most people believe.

Your success can only be measured by you. Do you feel successful? Did you reach or achieve the goal that you had for yourself? Are you happy and fulfilled doing what you do? If you answered yes to these questions, then you – my friend – are successful.

No other person on the planet can define success for you; you must define it for yourself.
Earl Nightingale says:
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal or goal” a good explanation. But worthy to who? Is it really all about material gain? Is that how we judge our progress? Is that how others judge us?

Must it be a worthy one? Must it be positive? Does it have to contribute something to others? Should it be noble? Should it be just? Or even moral?

Greek Philosophy tells us:
“When you are willing to sacrifice integrity to attain a goal, you might very well attain that goal but you will not be a success”.

“As a person thinks so they are, as within, so without.”

From the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks. Regardless of how you define success, if you don't have internal qualities that drive real, true success you will never attain real, true success. In order to develop your inner self, your character you have to change the way you think. “We become what we think about”

Your definition of success is actually your key to it all.
So how do you define “success”?

Until you define what “success” means to you, you probably won’t ever have it.
Success is not something that just comes to you. It is not something that you can pick up or find. You have to earn success.

The dictionary describes success as a noun, stating a favorable outcome of an attempt. To me success is a verb it shows action, it shows that you sought out to gain a victory that was favorable to yourself and masterfully attained.

Sucess is challenging your demons –addressing your fears and phobias – being the person you can and want to be. Success is living with passion.

Too many people think that success is wrapped up in things, but the truth is, success is wrapped up in how you see yourself and how you’re able to enjoy your life.

What is your definition of success? Before you can achieve success, you need to define what success means to you. Unless you have a clear vision of what success is to you, you cannot work towards it.

1. The Different Areas
They measure it across a few areas. It can be career, health, spiritual, emotional, time or financial. As an example, one can be successful in one’s career but not emotionally. Of course, this list isn’t exhaustive - so you can add areas that are relevant to you.

To find your own definition of success you need to dig deep within yourself and question your values in life. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are the things that are important to you? By answering these questions you can then come closer to your own definition of success.

Be aware that this can be a long process. You may not get the answers so quickly. But it is alright. Define your measure of success, one at a time.

2. It Is a Journey
When defining your success, remember this important thing. Success is a journey. It has multiple peaks and not one ultimate pinnacle. One success builds on another. Setbacks and mistake will also help you build success.

At different periods of your life, success is defined differently.
In our career, at a more junior level, your success can be defined by exceeding your job requirements or getting a promotion. Or success can be defined in a few respects. They can be:

1. Your relationship with your boss;
2. Your relationship with your peers;
3. Your dealing with other departments; and
4. Your learning curve.
How Do You Define Success?
So in order to define success for yourself, you must ask yourself a few questions, and be brutally honest when you answer them.
1. What is your personal definition of success?
2. What does success look like to you?
3. Do you feel successful? If no, why not?
4. What needs to change in your life in order for you to feel success?
5. What do you believe you need in order to have peace and meaning in your life?
6. What do you do each day that brings you joy and fulfillment?
7. What makes you feel energized and motivated?
8. How often do you do those things you listed in items 5-7?
9. What prevents you from doing more of those things?
10. What steps can you take to ensure you have these things in your life?

Once you have answered these questions as honestly as you can, then you will have a pretty good idea of what success looks like for you, personally.

Next, you want to FORGET everything you have ever heard or learned about success from anyone else, including your family and closest friends. You have your very own perspective of success, and now you can begin living YOUR life, the way YOU want to live it in order to see those things YOU deem important, fulfilling, and meaningful manifest.

                                    Take care for now and be forever successful
